Why Inclusive Education?

Inclusive education is important for children with disabilities because it provides them with the opportunity to learn and interact with their peers in a supportive and inclusive environment. Our inclusive education ensures such students have access to the same educational opportunities as their peers without disabilities. Socialisation is an essential part of education, and inclusive classrooms provide an ideal environment to learn and practice social skills. This in turn promotes acceptance and respect for diversity which is our main objective as an institute.

Transitioning for All-Inclusive Education

We aim for all inclusive education after proper planning, preparation, and support because we see this as a positive step towards the development of our children.

We consider every child unique, having its own strengths, needs, and interests. For that purpose we apply Individualised Transition Planning. It includes a comprehensive assessment of the student’s skills and abilities, as well as their academic and social goals.

With that, we apply Pre-Transition Activities, that can help our students become familiar with their new environment and build relationships with their peers and teachers.

We therefore also include modifications in our style of learning. This includes teacher assistant with each student , visual aids, sensory supports, and relevant adaptations to the curriculum.

For smooth transitioning we need regular monitoring as well. It would include regular communication between the student, parents, and teachers, ongoing assessment and evaluation of the student’s progress, and adjustments to the transition plan as needed.